Wildflower Bouquet
Introducing our exquisite Wildflower Bouquet, crafted for the free-spirited bride with a love for novelty wildflowers. This stunning bouquet complements your boho chic style, making it the perfect centerpiece for your dream mountain wedding.
Curated with enchanting blooms, our bouquet captures the essence of wildflowers while exuding elegance. Queen Anne's Lace and white Roses form the foundation, while Strawflower and lavender Matthiola add vibrant touches.
To add mystique, we've incorporated striking blue Thistle, symbolizing adventure. Woodsy filler flowers reflect the scenic beauty of the mountains, and Magnolia blossoms bring grandeur and eternal love.
Dusty Miller leaves provide a unique touch, matching your individuality as a bride. Our Wildflower Bouquet encapsulates boho chic style and the breathtaking beauty of the mountains, harmonizing with your surroundings and reflecting your free spirit.
Let our talented florists bring your vision to life and create an unforgettable bouquet for your dream mountain wedding.
* Price includes bouquet specific vase to help ensure the freshness of your bouquets.
Please note: since this is a fresh product, we limit delivery to the Denver area.
Wildflower Bouquet
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