Royal Bouquet


Introducing the Royal bouquet - a regal masterpiece that exudes elegance and allure for brides on their special day. 

Crafted with premium petals in vibrant and fiery tones, this captivating arrangement is sure to make you feel like a queen. 

The centerpiece of this bouquet is the resplendent Vanda Orchids, symbolizing love, luxury, and grace. Complemented by the captivating Pincushion Protea, representing diversity and courage, and delicate Scabiosa flowers, symbolizing purity and good fortune. 

The mix of jewel-toned Roses adds a touch of romance and passion. Let our skilled wedding florists bring your dreams to life and make your wedding day truly majestic.

Bloom's Bridal, Maid of Honor, and Bridesmaid Bouquets are elevated, elegant, and can be customized for your event. 

* Price includes bouquet specific vase to help ensure the freshness of your bouquets. 

 *Flowers and colors subject to availability and season.

Please note: since this is a fresh product, we limit delivery to the Denver area.  


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